When: Wednesday, May 19, at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Star Valley Medical Center Education Room
Topic: Gluten Free Bread Samples
Planning our summer meeting schedule
If you can (but you don't have to), please bring a sample of your favorite Gluten Free Bread to share and one copy of your recipe. The bread can be any kind. Like sandwich, rolls, dessert, homemade, or mix. Just bring one copy of the recipe and we'll and post them on the website. (If you want to bring more than one copy of your recipe that's fine. We'd just like to post the recipes online to save people the expense of copying.)
We'd like the samples to be on a taster's table. Bring a plate with bite-sized samples so we can all try each kind. Also put your recipe beside your sample so those with other allergies can check to make sure they can have a bite (if it's store bought, bring the package so we can see the brand and the ingredients).